Saturday, March 1, 2014

Happy Birthday to You

Today it is 01. March. I have someone special in my life,
who has BIRTHDAY today. But he was not born on 01.March.
Who is that possible?
The interesting thing is that he was born on a so called
What is it exactly? This means that each FOURTH year in February there is an additional day: 29. Feb.
How it belongs to HOLISTIC GRAPHOLOGY?
It is easy: HOLISTIC means = everything is included on all levels & a birthday includes all memories what we've lived until that moment: in soul - body and mind as well.
...and it is a new beginning for the years ahead. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!

"Time is free - but not worthless
Not yours - but you can use it
You can not keep it -but can assign it
However, once you've lost it -
you'll never get it back."

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