In the last post there is an illustration named: yin-yang.
It shows the two sides of everything what exists. Sometimes one thinks that a
„negative” event is happening to or around him/her. But everything has a
reason. One should learn the lessons from the negative view and this is how it
will turn into „positive” effect as the
yin-yang symbol.
Every „ending” may hold a „new beginning”. Is that true?
Thinking on that question suddenly I thought of the „EROS
& THANATOS” – and I assume most people will have the „AHA-feeling”: yes! :
F R E U D !!!
4 elements of the 5 were already presented in former posts here and with the element Water the basics of the system will be fully performed:
The element water holds the – so called - CHI ENERGY what is
indispensable to LIFE!
This is how we get to mention Freud and the 2 basic DRIVES living with his expression:
„life instinct” &
„death instinct”
The statement of „death instinct” is as follows:
hypothesis of a death instinct, the task of which is to lead organic
life back into the inanimate state".
The death drive
opposes “EROS” - the tendency toward survival, propagation, sex, and other
creative, life-producing drives. The death drive is sometimes referred to as
“THANATOS” in post-Freudian thought,
complementing "Eros", although this term was not used in Freud's own
work, being rather introduced by one of Freud's followers Wilhelm Stekel. "
We will talk over the details of element WATER with the
organs of the body in the next post.
Until - read something about Freud for yourself. :-)
Have a nice weekend !