Friday, March 28, 2014


In the last post there is an illustration named: yin-yang. It shows the two sides of everything what exists. Sometimes one thinks that a „negative” event is happening to or around him/her. But everything has a reason. One should learn the lessons from the negative view and this is how it will turn into „positive” effect  as the yin-yang symbol.

Every „ending” may hold a „new beginning”. Is that true?

Thinking on that question suddenly I thought of the „EROS & THANATOS” – and I assume most people will have the „AHA-feeling”: yes! : F R E U D !!!
We are talking about this – because we (soon) will get to our last element of the holistic system: the WATER – element.
4 elements of the 5 were already presented in former posts here and with the element Water the basics of the system will be fully performed:


The element water holds the – so called - CHI ENERGY what is indispensable to LIFE!

This is how we get to mention Freud and the 2 basic DRIVES living with his expression:

·         „life instinct” &

·         „death instinct”

The statement of „death instinct” is as follows: 
the hypothesis of a death instinct, the task of which is to lead organic life back into the inanimate state".
The death drive opposes “EROS” - the tendency toward survival, propagation, sex, and other creative, life-producing drives. The death drive is sometimes referred to as “THANATOS”  in post-Freudian thought, complementing "Eros", although this term was not used in Freud's own work, being rather introduced by one of Freud's followers Wilhelm Stekel. "

We will talk over the details of element WATER with the organs of the body in the next post.
Later, when we will be getting familiar with the system itself, the 5 elements and the basics of  how it is all connected  to the organs of the body, - we will place the letters into the system and discuss of how our handwriting plays the role of a mirror to reflect our energies, our well-being.

Until - read something about Freud for yourself. :-)

Have a nice weekend !

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Holistic graphology is about...

If this happens to be your first visit here,  
let’s have a short summary of our subject:  the holistic graphology.

There are innumerable ways to  ”discover” the :
  •  weaknesses and the strengths,
  • sorows and joys,
  • fears and courages etc...etc...of others and ourselves.

Graphology shows all these and much more in the handwriting, drawing, scribbling ...any graphic mold of someone.

Everyone knows that the word "holistic" means = at all levels:   
- the  mind (the spirit), the body and the soul.
In other words:  intellectual, physical and spiritual levels might be harmony and balance.

But life is not so simple – from time to time all of us might have jams, can get stuck
because of this and that...and the barriers - sooner or later - appear in our handwriting.

Holistic graphology is an amazing system to serve as a mirror for the „hidden problems” and in the meantime a door to change, improvement and further steps.

My offer is a joint trip in that wonderful world: HOLISTIC GRAPHOLOGY

See you soon ! Have a holistic harmonius day!

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Happy Birthday to You

Today it is 01. March. I have someone special in my life,
who has BIRTHDAY today. But he was not born on 01.March.
Who is that possible?
The interesting thing is that he was born on a so called
What is it exactly? This means that each FOURTH year in February there is an additional day: 29. Feb.
How it belongs to HOLISTIC GRAPHOLOGY?
It is easy: HOLISTIC means = everything is included on all levels & a birthday includes all memories what we've lived until that moment: in soul - body and mind as well.
...and it is a new beginning for the years ahead. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!

"Time is free - but not worthless
Not yours - but you can use it
You can not keep it -but can assign it
However, once you've lost it -
you'll never get it back."