Thursday, May 1, 2014

Almost everything ...

Summary of the holistic system

  1. There are 5 elements in the system – these are named as:  
  2. Althoug all the elements play their role in our life -  for everyone of us there is a - so called LEADING one. It can be calculated from the numbers of the birth-data.
  3. In this „circle of life” (circle of the effect of the elements) the main effects  are the
    --- supporting and the --- destructive ones.
  4. The organs of our body (with the functions)  belong especially to one element. (We discussed how to count that special number in an earlier post here)
  5.  As we know ’everything is related to everything’  - so we can associate them to special letters of the ABC – to recognize the harmony or the confusion of the energies. (and we can SEE it in our handwriting!)
    Let’s see them one by one now:
    The numbers are:  3 – 4 and 22
    The organs and the letters are:
    liver (yin) –  s; o & l
    gall (yang) – d;
    The number is: 9
    left side:   small intestine  (yang) – p & f
                       pericardium (yin)  - the striketrough of the letter t;
    right side: circulation (yang) – u & v;
                      triple heater (yin) – j; e & z;
    The numbers are: 2; 5; 8 & 11;
    The organs and letters:
    stomach (yang) – b;
    spleen – pancreas (yin) – q;
    The numbers are: 6; 7;
    The organs and the letters:
    lung(s) (yin) – h;
    colon (yang) – p & f
    The number is: 1;
    The  organs and letters:
    kidney(s) – (yin):  v (your left-side kidney) and the t’s  stem (your right-side kidney)
    bladder (yang) : n;
    As seen before – each round-symbol (of one element) has two part:
    the yin – simbolizing the „female-anergy” – can be found inside – and
    the yang – simbolizing the „man-energy” and can be found outside of the „round”.
    Finally in this short summary let’s see which ones are the „MISSING” letters from the ABC – not related to any of the elements or organs:
    a; c; g; i; k; m; r; x; y.
    You may ask : ’...and how we can deal with the missing letters?”
    Just don’t worry J
    Soon we will talk about it, too – of course we have the method to solve this question as well...  
            See you soon! :-)

Thursday, April 17, 2014

WATER element

Now we arrived to the last element of the holistic system.
I said: "last" but who would be able to live without water? 
In tnctionhe former posts you already could read some words about CHI - energy.
The "home" of the Chi is  the organ: KIDNEY
(better to say: kidney-s) - and the function of this organ is
                                         to filter the blood and other fluids of our body.
The other organ what belongs to element water is the BLADDER (or urine)
with the function of diuresis.

By now - we KNOW something about ALL of the 5 elements and th organs of our body with the main functions.
Have a nice day - we will continue soon!

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Freud's signature and the ELEMENTS

By this time you should know that most of the letters of the ABC can be found in our "holistic system". By now - we know :
- what are the 5 elements of the system
- to which of the elements the body-organs belong to
- and the main function of each organgs.

So - without having knowledge of the graphology you might think that it has a special meaning when we "examine" the special letter of a handwriting what has the special place in the holistic system.

We mentioned Sigmund Freud in the former post.

Let's see now - how our marvellous system works.


Note: NOT all the ABC-letters have their place in the system. The "missing ones" are examined in another way (about which we will talk when we get to that point.)
Letter-by-letter we will check - to which ELEMENT the letter belongs? 
1.) The name: SIGMUND  
S, i & g - these letters are NOT in the system
m & u - both belong to FIRE (2)
n - belongs to WATER (1)
d - belongs to TREE (1)
2.) The name: FREUD
F & r - these letters are NOT in the system.
e & u - both belong to FIRE (2)
and as we saw it already:
d - belongs to TREE (1)
Let us summarize it now:
--- the 5 elements (just to repet it)
TREE (2) - yes, there IS 1 letters in the signature, it is the letter "d", but we can find it 2 times. It means the effect is 2 times stronger (even if it is strengths - or  weekness)
FIRE (4) - yes, there ARE letters in the signature: these are letter "e", "m" & 2 x "u" - and you know that the effect of "u" will be stronger
EARTH -  there are NO letters in the signature belonging to this element. MISSING!
METAL  - there are NO letters in the signature belonging to this element. MISSING!
WATER (1) - yes, there IS 1 letters in the signature, it is the letter "n".
The effect of the FIRE is the strongest - but the TREE and the WATER also has the role!
The missing ones - the EARTH & METAL - will be important, too (as a lack)
Now - to get a glance into graphology think of the following:
when we were little kids - we were taught at school HOW TO WRITE THE LETTERS.
Give the question to EACH of the signature's letters separately: "does it look like as he might be taught at his early years? What is the DIFFERENCE?"
Now - write down your own signature - and ask yourself the SAME QUESTION! :-)
We will go into details soon :-)
Have a nice holistic day :-)!


Friday, March 28, 2014


In the last post there is an illustration named: yin-yang. It shows the two sides of everything what exists. Sometimes one thinks that a „negative” event is happening to or around him/her. But everything has a reason. One should learn the lessons from the negative view and this is how it will turn into „positive” effect  as the yin-yang symbol.

Every „ending” may hold a „new beginning”. Is that true?

Thinking on that question suddenly I thought of the „EROS & THANATOS” – and I assume most people will have the „AHA-feeling”: yes! : F R E U D !!!
We are talking about this – because we (soon) will get to our last element of the holistic system: the WATER – element.
4 elements of the 5 were already presented in former posts here and with the element Water the basics of the system will be fully performed:


The element water holds the – so called - CHI ENERGY what is indispensable to LIFE!

This is how we get to mention Freud and the 2 basic DRIVES living with his expression:

·         „life instinct” &

·         „death instinct”

The statement of „death instinct” is as follows: 
the hypothesis of a death instinct, the task of which is to lead organic life back into the inanimate state".
The death drive opposes “EROS” - the tendency toward survival, propagation, sex, and other creative, life-producing drives. The death drive is sometimes referred to as “THANATOS”  in post-Freudian thought, complementing "Eros", although this term was not used in Freud's own work, being rather introduced by one of Freud's followers Wilhelm Stekel. "

We will talk over the details of element WATER with the organs of the body in the next post.
Later, when we will be getting familiar with the system itself, the 5 elements and the basics of  how it is all connected  to the organs of the body, - we will place the letters into the system and discuss of how our handwriting plays the role of a mirror to reflect our energies, our well-being.

Until - read something about Freud for yourself. :-)

Have a nice weekend !

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Holistic graphology is about...

If this happens to be your first visit here,  
let’s have a short summary of our subject:  the holistic graphology.

There are innumerable ways to  ”discover” the :
  •  weaknesses and the strengths,
  • sorows and joys,
  • fears and courages etc...etc...of others and ourselves.

Graphology shows all these and much more in the handwriting, drawing, scribbling ...any graphic mold of someone.

Everyone knows that the word "holistic" means = at all levels:   
- the  mind (the spirit), the body and the soul.
In other words:  intellectual, physical and spiritual levels might be harmony and balance.

But life is not so simple – from time to time all of us might have jams, can get stuck
because of this and that...and the barriers - sooner or later - appear in our handwriting.

Holistic graphology is an amazing system to serve as a mirror for the „hidden problems” and in the meantime a door to change, improvement and further steps.

My offer is a joint trip in that wonderful world: HOLISTIC GRAPHOLOGY

See you soon ! Have a holistic harmonius day!

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Happy Birthday to You

Today it is 01. March. I have someone special in my life,
who has BIRTHDAY today. But he was not born on 01.March.
Who is that possible?
The interesting thing is that he was born on a so called
What is it exactly? This means that each FOURTH year in February there is an additional day: 29. Feb.
How it belongs to HOLISTIC GRAPHOLOGY?
It is easy: HOLISTIC means = everything is included on all levels & a birthday includes all memories what we've lived until that moment: in soul - body and mind as well.
...and it is a new beginning for the years ahead. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!

"Time is free - but not worthless
Not yours - but you can use it
You can not keep it -but can assign it
However, once you've lost it -
you'll never get it back."

Monday, February 24, 2014

TIME - yes, still the time


yes... TIME is not waiting for us. I am glad to see you here & I am glad to see myself here, too :-)
Why this sentense what could be seen as a little 'stupid' one ?

You'll understand it.

It was 11. May when I started my blog about  HOLISTIC Graphology. I was full of energy - hopes and plans that soon, very soon I'll complete that AMAZING subject. I made 16 posts. Than something happened. The TIME....the ENERGIES....& the LIFE itself what made me being away from my blog.

Today it is 24. February 2014. Although I do have
- some energies (some are already lost unfortunately)
- still I have hopes (some are already lost unfortunately)
- and still I have the L I F E what brought BACK me to continue the blog and let me SHOW & teach you forward on the MARVELLOUS JOURNEY OF HOLISTIC GRAPHOLOGY.

Thanks for visiting. I'll continue my blog. WELCOME BACK !

See you next time dear reader!